
英語喫茶基礎からの英語学習仮定法 Day74>仮定法について 選択式確認問題

仮定法について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

If she worked harder, she would succeed.
If she worked harder, she succeed.
If she worked harder, she would have succeeded.
If she have worked harder, she would succeed.
If she had worked harder, she would succeed.

If you arrived at the airport by 15 o’clock, you could have met her before departure.
If you arrived at the airport by 15 o’clock, you meet her before departure.
If you arrived at the airport by 15 o’clock, you could meet her before departure.
If you have arrived at the airport by 15 o’clock, you could meet her before departure.
If you had arrived at the airport by 15 o’clock, you could meet her before departure.

If you tried again, you pass.
If you tried again, you might pass.
If you tried again, you might have passed.
If you have tried again, you might pass.
If you had tried again, you might pass.

If I have known earlier I could have done it.
If I had known earlier I could do it.
If I had known earlier I have done it.
If I knew earlier I could have done it.
If I had known earlier I could have done it.
If I had known earlier I done it.

If we haven't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we could have seen the aquarium.
If we hadn't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we could seen the aquarium.
If we hadn't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we have seen the aquarium.
If we hadn't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we saw the aquarium.
If we didn't spend three hours in a traffic jam, we could have seen the aquarium.
If we hadn't spent three hours in a traffic jam, we could have seen the aquarium.



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