



やさしい英会話の日付    〜 散歩の途中で 〜

 ―Sunday morning. It was fine today. Sherry was walking along the street in the campus. We hardly saw any students. It was very calm compared to usual.―

 I wasn't able to find Pina at the pond. Bronx wasn't in the sports stadium.
I'm just walking in the campus today.

 ―While Sherry was walking, a cat was walking toward me.―

 I didn't see Pina but I'll see Libre instead.

“Hello, Libre, what's up?”
“Hello, I'm good. I look so, don't I?”

 Indeed, Libre was flooded with a good mood.

“Everything turned out all right.”
“Yes, I live with Fizz.”
“Was it okay to live with her family? How about the stupid man who left you? Did you get the cold shoulder from him?
“Actually, Fizz lives alone in a dormitory of the university. It's near the university. Obviously it prohibits having a pet but she is a wise girl.”
“The dormitory is near the university. I thought her house is too far because you said she took a subway.”
“She took a subway to go somewhere.”

“I was very worried about you after you and she left.”
“After I and she went back to her dormitory, as we were upset we worked while we cried for a while,” Libre said looking embarrassed.



compare  比較する
instead  代わりに
indeed  ほんとうに、たしかに
flood  洪水;はんらんさせる
turn out  〜とわかる
all right  よろしい
stupid  ばかな
shoulder  肩
dormitory  学生寮、合宿所
wise  りこうな、かしこい









「他の家族は大丈夫だったのか? 特にお前を追い出した馬鹿人間はどうだ? 冷たくされなかったか?」




―Sunday morning. It was fine today. Sherry was walking along the street in the campus. We hardly saw any students. It was very calm compared to usual.―

I wasn't able to find Pina at the pond. Bronx wasn't in the sports stadium.

I'm just walking in the campus today.

―While Sherry was walking, a cat was walking toward me.―

I didn't see Pina but I'll see Libre instead.

“Hello, Libre, what's up?”

“Hello, I'm good. I look so, don't I?”

Indeed, Libre was flooded with a good mood.

“Everything turned out all right.”

“Yes, I live with Fizz.”

「他の家族は大丈夫だったのか? 特にお前を追い出した馬鹿人間はどうだ? 冷たくされなかったか?」
“Was it okay to live with her family? How about the stupid man who left you? Did you get the cold shoulder from him?”

“Actually, Fizz lives alone in a dormitory of the university. It's near the university. Obviously it prohibits having a pet but she is a wise girl.”

“The dormitory is near the university. I thought her house is too far because you said she took a subway.”

“She took a subway to go somewhere.”

“I was very worried about you after you and she left.”

“After I and she went back to her dormitory, as we were upset we worked while we cried for a while,” Libre said looking embarrassed.



I didn't see Pina but I'll see Libre instead.

 前の文の場合、最初のところの I didn't see Pina は「ピーナに会えなかった。」という意味ですが、後ろの文は「instead」を使って「代わりにリバーに会う。」という意味です。

 I didn't go and see the movie yesterday.
 What did you do?
 I went skiing instead.

 また、 instead of 〜 で「〜をする代わりに」や、「〜の代わりに」という意味で使うこともできます。
 instead of の後は「名詞」または「ing形の動詞」などがきます。

 You are going to go to Tokyo next week, aren't you?
 Is it expensive to go to Tokyo by plane?
 Yes. I'm going to go to Tokyo by train instead of by plane.

 It was very hot yesterday.
 Yeah, I thought so, too.
 What did you do yesterday?
 I went swimming in the sea instead of going fishing in the river.

Did you get the cold shoulder from him?”

 get the cold shoulder で「冷たくあしらわれる」という意味で使うことができます。

 We invited her to the party yesterday. But we got the cold shoulder from her.

Sherry's Diary の練習問題







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