
確 認 問 題


wouldの応用について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(〜をしたい)I'd like know before you know.
I'd like to know before you know.
I like to know before you know.
I'd to know before you know.

2.(〜をしたい)I like to meet her match.
I'd like meet her match.
I'd like to meet her match.
I'd to meet her match.

3.(〜がほしい)I'd like a big car, a big house and lots of money.
I'd like to a big car, a big house and lots of money.
I'd a big car, a big house and lots of money.
I like a big car, a big house and lots of money.
I'd to a big car, a big house and lots of money.

4.(〜がほしい)I like a drink first.
I'd like to a drink first.
I'd a drink first.
I'd like a drink first.
I'd to a drink first.

5.(〜をしませんか)Would like to dance?
Would you to dance?
Would you like to dance?
Would you like dance?
Would you to like to dance?

6.(〜をしませんか)Would you like to go shopping?
Would you to go shopping?
Would like to go shopping?
Would you like go shopping?
Would you to like to go shopping?

7.(〜はいかがですか)Would you like to some more tea?
Would you like some more tea?
Would you some more tea?
Would like some more tea?
Would you to like some more tea?

8.(〜はいかがですか)Would you to like a cup of coffee?
Would you like to a cup of coffee?
Would you a cup of coffee?
Would like a cup of coffee?
Would you like a cup of coffee?


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