
確 認 問 題


「非常に」という意味をあらわすsoとtooについて、( )の日本語訳にあうような副詞を使っている最も適当な文を選択してください。ただし、同じ意味でも「〜がすぎる(必要以上に)」という意味が含まれる場合と、そうではない場合を考慮にいれてください。

1.(非常に)The whole thing happened too fast.
The whole thing happened so fast.

2.(非常に)It's so sad because she used to be such a lively and outgoing person.
It's too sad because she used to be such a lively and outgoing person.

3.(非常に〜がすぎる)Events were moving too fast.
Events were moving so fast.

4.(非常に〜がすぎる)This shoe's so small for me, but it might fit you.
This shoe's too small for me, but it might fit you.


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