
確 認 問 題


頻度をあらわす副詞について、( )の日本語訳にあうような副詞を使っている、最も適当な文を選択してください。

1.(いつも)He was usually telling herhow pretty she was.
He was always telling her
He was sometimes telling her
He was seldom telling her
He was often telling her

2.(たいてい)A boy is sometimes excitedby the prospect of a science course.
A boy is always excited
A boy is usually excited
A boy is seldom excited

3.(ときどき)The decision can usually be very difficult.
The decision can always be very difficult.
The decision can sometimes be very difficult.
The decision can seldom be very difficult.

4.(めったにしない)I seldom find anyonewho will answer this question.
I always find anyone
I usually find anyone
I sometimes find anyone
I never find anyone

5.(決してしない)True love is never lost.
True love is always lost.
True love is usually lost.
True love is sometimes lost.
True love is seldom lost.


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