
確 認 問 題



1.You're twenty-three, are you?
You're twenty-three, aren't you?
You're twenty-three, weren't you?

2.You didn't put the kettle on, did you?
You didn't put the kettle on, didn’t you?
You didn't put the kettle on, do you?
You didn't put the kettle on, don’t you?

3.You can read very well, couldn't you?
You can read very well, can you?
You can read very well, could you?
You can read very well, can't you?
You can read very well, do you?
You can read very well, don't you?

4.She doesn't write very well, do she?
She doesn't write very well, doesn't she?
She doesn't write very well, does she?
She doesn't write very well, don't she?
She doesn't write very well, is she?
She doesn't write very well, isn't she?


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