
確 認 問 題


比較変化について、( )の原級に注意をしながら、適切なのを選択してください。

1.(old)She is older.
She is oldder.
She is oldr.
She is more old.
She is more older.

2.(cheap)My bag is cheapper.
My bag is cheaper.
My bag is more cheap.
My bag is more cheaper.

3.(large)The stage is larger.
The stage is largr.
The stage is more large.
The stage is more larger.

4.(nice)Dickon is more nicer.
Dickon is nicr.
Dickon is more nic.
Dickon is nicer.

5.(big)Love is biggr.
Love is biger.
Love is bigger.
Love is more big.
Love is more bigger.

6.(happy)She is happier.
She is happyer.
She is happyr.
She is more happy.
She is more happier.

7.(famous)Jack is famouser.
Jack is more famous.
Jack is famousr.
Jack is more famouser.
Jack is more famousr.

8.(useful)Which concept is more usefuler?
Which concept is usefuler?
Which concept is usefulr?
Which concept is more useful?
Which concept is more usefulr?

9.(difficult)That question is more difficulter.
That question is difficulter.
That question is difficultr.
That question is more difficult.
That question is more difficultr.

10.(good)The mood is better when problems are discussed.
The mood is gooder when problems are discussed.
The mood is goodr when problems are discussed.
The mood is more good when problems are discussed.
The mood is more gooder when problems are discussed.
The mood is more better when problems are discussed.


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