
確 認 問 題


複合関係副詞について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(いつでも)Wherever we have problems we discuss them together.
When we have problems we discuss them together.
Whenever we have problems we discuss them together.
Where we have problems we discuss them together.
However we have problems we discuss them together.
How we have problems we discuss them together.

2.(いつでも)I'll advise you whenever you need.
I'll advise you when you need.
I'll advise you wherever you need.
I'll advise you where you need.
I'll advise you however you need.
I'll advise you how you need.

3.(どこでも)There were risks where we went.
There were risks wherever we went.
There were risks whenever we went.
There were risks when we went.
There were risks however we went.
There were risks how we went.

4.(どこでも)When we go, he will go with us, that I know.
Where we go, he will go with us, that I know.
Whenever we go, he will go with us, that I know.
Wherever we go, he will go with us, that I know.
However we go, he will go with us, that I know.
How we go, he will go with us, that I know.

5.(どんなに)Where much you know it's coming.
How much you know it's coming.
Whenever much you know it's coming.
When much you know it's coming.
Wherever much you know it's coming.
However much you know it's coming.

6.(どんなに)Wherever late you are, come here.
How late you are, come here.
Whenever late you are, come here.
When late you are, come here.
However late you are, come here.
Where late you are, come here.


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