
確 認 問 題


知覚動詞について、( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(〜がするのを)She heard the bell ringing again.
She heard ring the bell again.
She heard the bell ring again.
She heard the bell rang again.
She heard the bell rung again.

2.(〜がするのを)They saw the man coming in from the street.
They saw come in the man from the street.
They saw the man come in from the street.
They saw the man came in from the street.

3.(〜がしているのを)You saw the man standing beside her.
You saw standing the man beside her.
You saw the man stand beside her.
You saw the man stood beside her.

4.(〜がしているのを)I saw the girl crossed the street.
I saw crossing the girl the street.
I saw the girl cross the street.
I saw the girl crossing the street.

5.(〜がされるのを)He saw the window broken by somebody.
He saw broken the window by somebody.
He saw the window breaking by somebody.
He saw the window break by somebody.


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