
確 認 問 題


( )の日本語に注意をしながら、最も適切な文を選択してください。

1.(これは)This is quite acceptable.
This are quite acceptable.
That is quite acceptable.
That are quite acceptable.

2.(これは)This is nice.
This are nice.
That is nice.
That are nice.

3.(あれは)That were his plan.
That was his plan.
This was his plan.
This were his plan.

4.(あれは)This were good.
That were good.
This was good.
That was good.

5.(これらは)Those were needed here.
These was needed here.
These were needed here.
Those was needed here.

6.(これらは)Those were well-known issues.
These was well-known issues.
These were well-known issues.
Those was well-known issues.

7.(あれらは)Those is their terms.
Those are their terms.
These are their terms.
These is their terms.

8.(あれらは)Those are very useful.
Those is very useful.
These are very useful.
These is very useful.


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