
確 認 問 題


( )の日本語に注意をしながら、「場所」を意味する前置詞について、最も適当な文を選択してください。

1.(〜に沿って)Walk across the street, look at the shops.
Walk through the street, look at the shops.
Walk along the street, look at the shops.
Walk around the street, look at the shops.

2.(〜を通って)I took a photo of him through the glass.
I took a photo of him along the glass.
I took a photo of him across the glass.
I took a photo of him around the glass.

3.(〜を通って)I walk slowly along the tunnel.
I walk slowly through the tunnel.
I walk slowly around the tunnel.
I walk slowly across the tunnel.

4.(〜の周り)After lunch we walked along the town.
After lunch we walked across the town.
After lunch we walked through the town.
After lunch we walked around the town.


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