
確 認 問 題


( )の日本語の意味に気をつけて、「時」に使われる前置詞について、最も適当な文を選択してください。

1.(〜から〜まで)I think I know it takes an hour to get after to eleven.
I think I know it takes an hour to get from ten to eleven.
I think I know it takes an hour to get before ten to eleven.

2.(〜から〜まで)The model sat from ten till one, with usually fifteen minute intervals.
The model sat after ten till one, with usually fifteen minute intervals.
The model sat before ten till one, with usually fifteen minute intervals.

3.(〜の前に)He gave her a glass of champagne in the drawing room before dinner.
He gave her a glass of champagne in the drawing room after dinner.
He gave her a glass of champagne in the drawing room from dinner.

4.(〜の後に)I often conducted Sibelius in half-empty halls from the war in Vienna.
I often conducted Sibelius in half-empty halls before the war in Vienna.
I often conducted Sibelius in half-empty halls after the war in Vienna.


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