
確 認 問 題



1.What is the weather like?It's great.
What the weather like is?
What is like the weather?

2.What John is like?He is good.
What is John like?
What John like is?
What is like John?

3.What is like Japanese food?It is healthy and nutritious.
What the Japanese food like is?
What is the Japanese food like?

4.What was the hotel like?It was good.
What the hotel like was?
What was like the hotel?

5.What was the concert like?It was not good.
What the concert like was?
What was like the concert?

6.What he look like is?He is tall, slim, quite nice-looking.
What is he look like?
What does he look like?
What look like he does?
What look like he is?


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